THE POTTER AND THE MOULD WALKTHROUGH >1 FIVE YEARS AGO The first section should not be too difficult, as it is really just an extended cut-scene to explain how you gained your powers and how you can use them. >n >breathe >breathe >breathe >talk to mould >1 >x hand >talk to mould >1 >mould >talk to mould >1 >mould >2 ONE YEAR AGO The second section features a number of puzzles, with your mould powers being vital as a tool to solve these. >call mould >n >mould >2 >remove bar >hit window You can talk to the overweight scientist, but he will not be very helpful. >e >mould >2 >unscrew plaque >look behind painting >turn dial to 11 >x safe >mould >4 >get acid >w >pour acid on door Now that you have helped everyone at the door escape, you can focus on finding your parents. >e >s >s >w >mould >2 >get cage >e >n >n >n You will have to put off finding your parents to investigate this noise, but firstly you need another item. >n >e >get mouse >w >s >e >drop cage >mould >3 >cut ropes The girl will now follow you along with Waterfall, but she is not very talkative. >get planks >w >n >e >drop planks >n Your parents are not in their laboratory, but you have a new lead to investigate. >e >s >x parents >x parents >talk to potter >1 >attack potter >w >s >s Unfortunately, that was not the ending you would have wanted, but there is nothing more that you can do here. >w NINE MONTHS AGO The third section begins with Waterfall talking about herself. >n >w >n >e >e >s >x girl The action in this scene begins, and you have a new clay adversary that you have to stop. The key to defeating the bat is to generate a loud noise, but firstly you need to be able to get close to it. >n >mould >1 >smash case >w >w >lever door >w >get stereo >e >s >get cd >e >plug stereo in >put cd in stereo >ne >hit bat Now that the bat has been defeated, you can help Waterfall. >sw >u >get bag >x bag >throw vinegar at eagle SIX MONTHS AGO At the start of the fourth section, you just have to follow the instructions from the letter. >read letter >n >n >e >ne >s >push boxes >open safe >n You will have to battle the imp for the key. This is a randomised sequence, so no move-by-more walkthrough can be provided. However, there are winning strategies. * The baseball bat will defeat the baseball * The hook will defeat the chain * The knife will defeat the lasso * The crowbar will defeat the crowbar * The bird cannot be defeated * The shield will block the current attack, but it cannot be used two turns in a row. * Any other strategy will result in defeat. The aim is to keep forcing the imp forward until it is defeated. >get key >sw >w >s >e >open door THREE MONTHS AGO The fifth section starts in a dream. There are not many puzzles in this section, but it foreshadows and provides the link to the final showdown. >n >w >use phone >2 >n >stop woman >e >x cauldron >x cauldron >x cauldron >talk to ghost >2 You have to find evidence by searching through the mountain scenery carefully. >mould >x birds You need to convince the scientist to help you. >ring doorbell >talk to scientist >1 >1 >1 THE PRESENT The last section, back in the present, is the largest section of the game. It starts easy, with the advantage you gain from the acid. >n >mould >1 >hit golem >e >s >hit drill >push lever >n >mould >3 >fly >attack hawk >push lever >n >1 >1 >1 >1 You need to escape the water quickly. If you take too long trying to escape you will die. To restart the timer, you can use the grappling hook to move yourself to the pillar back from the base of the slope. >n >mould >1 >open door >mould >3 >shoot hook at ladder You have lost your advantage over the clay creatures and you need to find your way back up to the main part of the base. >d >s >s >n >n >n >s >mould >1 >dig >s >s >e >u >w The dog will prevent you from destroying the machine. You need to move the dog away from the machine and stop it from being able to get back. >push button >n >close door >n >d >d >s >s >e >u >w >mould >1 >smash machine >push button >n >swipe card in east slot The next command is optional, but by taking the imp you will gain a short additional scene later. >take imp >e >se >1 >1 >1 You cannot do anything useful apart from wait, whilst you are trapped. >z >z >z >2 >2 >2 >2 >push switch You have managed to reform your team from the second section, and this time the girl is a lot more talkative. >s >nw >n >w >w >n >4 >2 >2 >2 >3 >3 There is nothing more that you can do about the Potter, but you still need to make sure that the girl is safe. >mould >1 >u >n >n The ceiling takes two turns to fall down. You do not want to be under it when it falls. >n If you do not mould into the flying carpet, you will fall down a pit when you head north from here. You will die if you do not escape in time. Moulding the grappling hook or into the magic carpet can be used to escape the pit if you do fall in. >mould >2 >n >s >s >z >s >n >n >n >open door This is the final battle with the orangutan/gorilla. You need to start off with agile forms that keep away from the gorilla. >2 >5 Agility will no longer help you, so you need more defensive forms. >1 >3 >w You have a choice of what to say to the girl, but only one choice will save you both. >2